Versión en Español


    She has been researching and writing on hypertext for more than seven years, focusing on the applicability of literary theory, narratology and aesthetics to hypertext environments .    
    Much of her work examines hypertext reading as a form of performance, the effect of hypertext's displacement of closure on the act of reading and how hypertexts can be designed to satisfy both conventional and highly unconventional narrative reading strategies. As a Research Fellow at the Brunel University (London) Centre for Research into Innovation, Culture and Technology, she spent a year researching the uses of hypertext and the social construction of digital technologies.
Her critical work on hypertext has appeared in journals and collections in the US, UK and Australia.  Her short story, "I Have Said Nothing" , unfortunately, is available only from It's about 30 euros, and you might be able to just buy and download it. Since the hypertext is built on a software platform that isn't just compatible with HTML.

Publications available on line

- The Brown University Unspeakable Practices Vanguard Narrative Festival (a discution of literary hipertext)

- The End of Books? Or Books Without End? Reading Hypertext Narratives Chapter 7  

First Paper